Professionally Customized Landing Page Design in 48 Hours

Our streamlined approach ensures you receive a top-notch design swiftly, without compromising on quality.

Landing48 - Professionally Customized Landing Page Design in 48 Hours | Product Hunt

Swift Design Solutions

Unique options crafted and delivered swiftly for your project’s immediate needs.

Clear Pricing, Real Value

Our transparent pricing ensures you get quality results matching your investment.

Async Communication

Eliminating unnecessary delays for efficient project progress.

What You’ll Get in 48 Hours…

How It Works


Book a Call








Submit Requirements


Payments are integrated and protected by PayPal.


Confirm Your Purchase

will be send to your submitted email

You’ll receive email confirmation


Anything you can do in 48Hours


Design Process

48 hours


will be send to your submitted email

Review & Give Feedback

First Round


Revision & Responsive Design

will be send to your submitted email

Review & Give Feedback

Second Round


Final Delivery

will be send to your submitted email

Receive Final Design


Pricing Plans



Perfect for startups and small businesses seeking an affordable, professional online presence.



Perfect for businesses and entrepreneurs wanting sophistication and flexibility.



We know decisions are hard. For the price of a Starbucks coffee, try our quality with two low-res, watermarked design options. Designs remain our property, and we may publish them.


Revision Round



Refine your design with additional iterations to achieve perfection.

Inner Page



We provide tailored inner page services within 24 hours.

What I Need From You to Get Started

To ensure that the 48-hour timeframe is utilized to its maximum potential, there are several things you need to provide during the checkout process.


Send details about this project, such as the purpose of the landing page, its intended audience, competitors, design references, etc.

Branding Guide

Provide your brand guidelines, including logos, colors, fonts, etc. Alternatively, I can use a placeholder logo and explore suitable colors and fonts.

Landing Page Content

If you already have copywriting for the landing page, please send it. Otherwise, I will create it based on your project brief.

Specific Assets

If there are specific assets already available, such as if you are selling physical products and need to send them, please do so. Otherwise, I will use assets from sites like Freepik.

However, don’t worry if you don’t have everything above ready. We can start the work and revisit these details during the revision rounds. The more information you provide initially, the smoother and faster the design process will be.


We have extensive experience in designing landing pages, allowing us to create high-quality designs quickly. We are well-suited for projects where time is of the essence.

You can add extra pages as an add-on service. These additional pages will be worked on after the landing page design is completed, with a turnaround time of 24 hours.

If you forget to provide documents such as a brief, branding guide, content, and assets during checkout, you can send them to with the subject “Document_(Name submitted during checkout).” Please send them as soon as possible.

Our service includes up to 4 rounds of revisions for the Pro Plan or 2 rounds for the Basic Plan. We will utilize these revision rounds to ensure your satisfaction. If additional revisions are needed, we offer revision add-ons.

After we deliver the design, you can review and provide feedback. We will implement your feedback and redeliver the design to you, counting as one round. If further design changes are required, each subsequent round will be counted separately.

We will send the design results in the form of a Figma link to the email you provided during checkout.

We base our work on the documents you’ve submitted. After delivering the work, communication is two-way through email or other agreed-upon methods.

We offer a refund if we cannot complete the work within the specified time. Due to the high quality of our work, we do not offer refunds for reasons other than the inability to meet the agreed-upon deadline

“His attention to detail was impeccable and the designs were modern and efficient. he worked very well in a team environment, taking feedback from our stakeholders and incorporating their ideas into the design. We could not have asked for a better UI/UX designer and are extremely happy with the end result of the project.



“Working with him has been an absolute joy. He is really talented and fast. He’s able to understand our requirements exactly and often surprises us with how quickly he works. If he ever has any questions, he clarifies. 10/10 recommend!”




Perfect for those who require a landing page design to be released promptly.


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